MInD ( Multiple Intelligence Development) Kendras_ 21st Century School For India

MInD (Multiple Intelligence Development)Kendras

A 21st Century School - Going Back To The Future

Addressing all of India’s challenges namely, the right to education, unity in diversity, environment and health security, means of livelihood, well-being and happiness through the learning space.

Meetings of Minds

A school in the 21st century must allow a potter collaborating in the same space, at the same time with an artist, chemist, environmentalist and physicist to create a pot that would then be strength tested by a martial artist before it finds its way to market.

Forced Education_ Seven Deadly Sins

    1.  Denial of liberty on the basis of age.
    2.  Fostering of shame, on the one hand, and hubris, on the other.
    3.  Interference with the development of cooperation and nurturance.
    4.  Interference with the development of personal responsibility and self-direction.
    5.   Linking of learning with fear, loathing, and drudgery.
    6.   Inhibition of critical thinking.
    7.   Reduction in diversity of skills, knowledge, and ways of thinking.

Presently, our children have to endure mindless conformity in their education, designed to kill innovation, imagination and aspiration, in order to produce the equivalent of broiler chickens closeted in a confined space, fed the same rubbish then ‘dressed’ for market looking apparently confident but lacking in competence.

Eventually what is produced by the education system is an abundance of mediocre ‘cogs in the wheel’, unable to analyse but competent at processes required to sustain the corporate-industrial complex. Neither do these excellent engineers, artists or athletes make.

From Studying to Learning

The idea of education must transform from the relentless indoctrination of irrelevant knowledge designed for a bygone age towards calibrating the individual with his/her environment, through the identification of the dominant intelligences, which are subsequently developed through sustained exposure to experiential learning.

Eventually, the individual would gravitate to an activity or combination of activities driven by personal passion and competence which sustains happiness and a livelihood.

A Democratic School For All

Imagine a space a within which individuals are accorded all the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship; where students truly practice, rather than just read about, the principles of free speech, free association, and freedom to choose their own activities; where students vote on the rules that affect them, and serve on juries to try those accused of violating those rules. What better training than this to prepare students for democratic citizenship?

MIND Kendra personifies the continuity of learning. An individual is never too young or never too old to be in school. The school is a learning space open to all irrespective of mental ability, gender, age, caste, creed, community, and background.  There will be no admission, only enrolment.  A student may attend as and when he/she chooses learning whatever he/she prefers.

It is a space where young learns from old and vice versa.  It is a space where mentally challenged refers to students challenged by a problem defying resolution, not to any group of individuals with diminished mental abilities.

MIND Kendras focus on collaboration not competition. A convergence of perspectives would cultivate in individuals the appreciation of diverse opinions leading towards a more empathic society. It is a space accepting and recognising that we are all ‘differently abled’ without a hierarchy or valuation of abilities or intelligence.

An Oasis In The Urban Desert

In our suffocating cities ‘desertified’ of imagination MIND Kendra is an oasis for the community, the size of space in proportion to the size of community served.

MIND Kendra goes back to the future rooting modernity in relevant and secular traditions, marrying technology with common sense, to create a space conducive to the development of all intelligences.

Reciprocal Symbiosis

MIND Kendras promotes reciprocal symbiosis; encourage the convergence of perspective and expertise of people of all ages, of diverse backgrounds contributing their multiple intelligences to resolve 21st century challenges through projects of their choosing - through kindness, generosity, compassion - in their own time frame and at their own pace.

Learning sans Borders

MIND Kendra is a space without walls, without boundaries, deriving its structure and energies from the community it serves, thereafter invigorating and sustaining the community with its energy and expertise.

Sacred Groves – Breathing Space

To begin with the MIND Kendra is housed within the confines of ‘sacred groves’ forested green spaces designed to reflect local bio-diversity and promote the conservation and sustainable mindset within the community.

Furthermore, it would both literally and figuratively serve as the breathing space of a community also reducing the carbon footprint of the community in some measure.

Within this forested space, are spaces dedicated to all intelligences, from math-logic to music and everything else in between

The Psycho-Physical Space- Making the Body All Eyes

In order for any individual to develop an awareness of and sensitivity towards their intelligences, the first step involves self-awareness of mind and body through psychophysical training and development, permitting each individual to optimally utilize their dominant and secondary intelligences.

Fundamental to Psycho-Physical are three spaces: 1) Gymnasium 2) Swimming Pool and 3) Amphitheatre.

The first two spaces help ‘attune’ the individual with the universe through a synergy with the elements.  Results of such efforts are then ‘tested’ in the performance space of the amphitheatre where the challenges of life in the real world are simulated. 

 Build and Learn

Ideally, the learning for the community commences with the creation of the MIND Kendra space:
  •     Creating the forest space, understanding the workings of biodiversity.
  •     Building the learning spaces within, following Eco-architecture; learning the methodology through application (please refer to Garbage Warrior film below).
  •      Sustainable Spaces : Creation of Vegetable Gardens, Energy spaces

Curr     Curriculum

The MIND Kendra serves as a platform to identify, prioritise and develop the multiple intelligence of an individual with the object of streamlining the learning flow into an eventual livelihood.

At the secondary level those individuals who wish to pursue a mainstream academic approach will be afforded the opportunity and resources to receive certification from NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling www.nios.ac.in

For certification of a non-academic approach, please refer to the attached paper titled “GIMME SPACE” proposing a curriculum design.

Putting our MInD to address India’s challenges

It is envisaged that the MIND Kendra through its adaptability will be able to address many of the challenges facing rural and urban India including education for all, improving the environment and public health and most importantly the optimal use of India’s human resources through the revitalisation of the imagination leading to innovation and more job opportunities that would lead eventually to a happier nation.

In order to do so, MIND Kendra would be the first step in a quantum shift that requires to occur to the nation’s mindset, moving from GDP as an index of prosperity to GNH (Gross National Happiness) http://www.grossnationalhappiness.com/

Further Resources:

1)       Alternatives To School: http://alternativestoschool.com/

2)       Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences : http://www.niu.edu/facdev/resources/guide/learning/howard_gardner_theory_multiple_intelligences.pdf

3)      Schooling The World If you wanted to change a culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children. http://schoolingtheworld.org/film/

4)      Garbage Warrior :

5)      National Institute of Open Schooling:  www.nios.ac.in

6)       Forest Schools : http://www.forestschools.com/

7)      Democratic Schools :

a.        Make Your Voice Heard: https://youtu.be/S_LbZ3XcfK4

b.      Sudbury School http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awOAmTaZ4XI

c.        Summerhill School https://youtu.be/OHxaTHzN2vM


8)       Hannam Report: http://alternativestoschool.com/pdfs/The%20Hannam%20Report.pdf

9)     Gross National Happiness http://www.grossnationalhappiness.com/

`11) FIRST GRADER: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0790663/


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